Runner’s Round Table

 Season 5 of the Runner’s Round Table is “Hot Takes.” Each episode will be about a current topic in running news, events, and happenings and will feature inspiring female runners, coaches, and businesswomen who are invested in seeing the running space grow to include everyone who wants to take up the incredible sport of running. Season preview can be heard here. 

EPISODE 1 - Hot Takes: Boston Edition with Becky Croft & Stephanie Dunlap

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Becky Croft (@coach.croft) and Stephanie Dunlap (@runstrongrun) about the 6-hour cutoff at the 2024 race and what could have been done differently to better promote inclusivity in the sport. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.

EPISODE 2 - Hot Takes: Zone 2 Edition with Jen Steele

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Jen Steele (@misadventuresofamarathoner) about Zone 2 running: what it is and whether it matters to being the best runner one can possibly be. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t! To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 3 - Hot Takes: Run Coaching Edition with Sabrina Ehmke

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Sabrina Ehmke (@run_teacher_sab) about what run coaching is, how run coaching is for everyone regardless of pace and experience, and some of the things to consider when making the decision to work with a run coach.  To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 4 - Hot Takes: Not All Paces Welcome with Makenzie Rink

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Makenzie Rink (@the.realistic.runner) about what it means to be a “Realistic Runner” and how it’s ok for run groups to not cater to all paces as long as there are safe spaces for all runners, especially back of the pack runners, to show up and feel like they are a part of the running community. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 5 - Hot Takes: Elite Runners vs. Regular Runners with Leslie Dugger Carvajal

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Leslie Dugger Carvajal (@LeslieD_runs) about elite runners, regular everyday runners, the differences between the two, and how each category of runner can learn from another. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 6 - Hot Takes: Strength & Aging with Robyn Godfrey

In this episode Stephanie  speaks with Robyn Godfrey (@beachy_runner) about strength training, it’s importance as we (especially women) age, and how to create a strength training routine that creates confidence and consistency. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 7 - Hot Takes: Back-to-Back Marathons with Kristyn R. Smith

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Kristyn R Smith (@krisrs) about running back-to-back marathons and things to consider as one works toward this incredible accomplishment. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 8 - Hot Takes: Super Shoes – Fast or Fiction? with trina bills

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Trina Bills (@TrinaLesins_) about super shoes: what they are, who they are for, and the important mindset things to consider before diving into the world of super shoes. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

EPISODE 9 - Hot Takes: Running Myths, Rituals, and Superstitions with Amanda Katz

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Amanda Katz (@amanda_katzz) about myths that may limit who we think we are as runners, rituals that help us feel race day ready, and the superstitions that help us feel confident in ourselves. To find this episode on your favorite podcasting platform go here and to watch on YouTube go here.  

Coming March 5th! EPISODE 10 - Hot Takes: Run Club Inclusivity with Rosalind Smith

In this episode Stephanie speaks with Rosalind Smith (@rosies.runclub and @rosies.runclub_sw) about the power of run clubs as a space where all identities are seen, validated, and honored.

Coming March 12th! EPISODE 11 - Hot Takes: Don’t Pee Yourself! With Dr. Ari Gonzalez

In this episode Stephanie speaks with her very own pelvic health physical therapist, Dr. Ari Gonzalez (@formaphysiotherapy) about pelvic floor health for women across the lifespan and for runners.

Coming March 19th! EPISODE 12 - Hot Takes: Recovery is for Wimps – Just Kidding! with Dr. Asher Kyger

. In this episode Stephanie speaks with Dr. Asher Kyger (@Dr.Asher.Runs) about expanding our definition of recovery as a process that helps us be our best athletic selves.