2022 Running Reflection

I shared all my hopes for my 2022 running in this blog post and now it’s time to go back and reflect.

I vividly remember writing that blog post about all my racing plans and it’s hard to believe that the entirety of the year has passed and I am once again looking forward to a new year. 2022 was my year of celebration as I worked my way toward my 10-year running anniversary. My celebration included not only running my 10th Miami Half Marathon, but running a half marathon each weekend in the month of February (all race recaps will be linked below). I thought all those back-to-back half marathons would be fun and, while it was fun, it was also very challenging. Even when I wasn’t racing for time, I was still in a racing environment. It feels silly looking back, but the truth is that I had forgotten the toll that race-day nerves can have on a person! I knew I could do the distance, but I conveniently forgot to factor in how my mental state changes in a racing environment. Case in point: I don’t think about bathrooms on my training runs, but during races I feel like I have to use the bathroom every 5 minutes before the race starts because there’s a worry that I didn’t get it all out and I’ll have an accident on the course or an extended stay in a port-o-potty. The nerves are real and, no matter how many half marathons I’ve done, the nerves are always there! I ran the races though and I was so proud of myself for being able to do them all without getting injured or burning out. Yes, I was tired, but I was also empowered by the experience.

It was a great reminder that even though I am older, I can still do hard things as a runner.

The rest of my 2022 progressed nicely. After the half marathons at the beginning of the year, I ran a runDisney race in April and then spent the summer doing a 5K training block. This was my first time using the summer to focus on a shorter distance and I loved it because it meant less time outside in the heat. Focusing on the 5K in the summer highlighted just how amazing I (and all runners) am for making it through summer marathon training in Miami, FL. I truly loved every second of that training block and wondered why I hadn’t done it before. This time period transported me back 10 years to when I started a couch-to-5K program as a new runner; talk about a full circle moment.

My goal 5K race was during my September retreat experience in the Great Smoky Mountains and, while it wasn’t a PR race, it was a race that pushed me out of my comfort zone because (a) it was a 5K, (b) it was in the early evening, (c) it was hilly, and (d) it was part of an event that I had spent a year planning. I was a host for the women who went on the retreat with me and also a participant in the experience of being in the Great Smoky Mountains and racing a 5K. Talk about layers of presence, awareness, and participation.

After the 5K, I was in a bit of limbo. No real running plans or goals beyond staying healthy and fit enough to jump into training for the Miami Half Marathon in January 2023. I spent the rest of the year running for fun with people who inspire me to show up fully and take myself less seriously. It was truly a glorious way to end the year. On top of that, I started off season 2 of the Runner’s Round Table podcast and had incredible conversations with female run coaches from across the country. I feel like the last few months of the year helped me connect to the community of running in such a deeper and more profound way and I am so grateful that I said “yes” to every opportunity to run, race, and talk about running.

I can’t end this reflection without talking about my decision to run the London Marathon in April 2023. I know, I know. I always say I am done with the marathon distance and I always come back to give it another try. For someone who loves running as much as I do, I feel like I could love marathoning if I could just figure out how to bring the time spent running, the joy I have with running, and life off-the-run into greater harmony. So, why did I decide to sign up as a charity runner for the London Marathon? Simply put, because my life is chaotic and running has been a constant companion over the past 10 years that has reminded me I can move through and get passed challenging times. It’s not so much about the marathon itself, but about having the practice of running to get me through the next few months of instability (I’ll share what’s been happening as soon as I can). Plus, I have 3 of the 6 stars for the Abbott World Marathon Majors and thought it would be a fun challenge to become a “Six Star Finisher.” We’ll see how I feel about marathons after the training cycle for London! Either way, wish me luck!

2022 Running overview

  • Total Miles: 1203.35

  • Time Spent Running: 222 hours

  • Average Miles Per Week: 23.1

  • Average Miles Per Month: 100.3

  • Highest Mileage Month: January (136.4 miles)

  • Lowest Mileage Month: May (65.1 miles)

  • Number of Runs: 214

  • Number of Races: 18 total (15 in-person, 3 virtual)

  • 7-half marathon races (6 in-person, 1 virtual)

  • 8-5K races (7 in-person, 1 virtual)

2022 Race Experience Recaps:

Note: Recaps are only for in-person events. My virtual races were either done on my own or as part of a longer run.

2022 was a good year for me as runner. I loved all my experiences and truly appreciated that, even 10 years in, I could still find ways to challenge myself. From starting the year with half marathons to ending the year with 5Ks, being a runner is so dynamic that I can never imagine defining myself by one distance alone. Stay tuned for next week’s post where I share my hopes for running in 2023.

PS I am running the London Marathon on behalf of Rays of Sunshine and would appreciate any and all donations. You can check out my fundraising page here.

PSS if you want to listen to all the great conversations I’m having, check out Runner’s Round Table on Anchor, Spotify, and Apple.

2023: A Year of Process

2023: A Year of Process

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