September Theme: Life's an Adventure

September Theme: Life's an Adventure

A segment of the monthly newsletter is a theme and this blog post is an enhancement to that section. Each theme is an invitation and encouragement meant to help the reader better connect to themselves. Please note that the selected themes can be reflected upon at any time and are not limited to the timing of the specific newsletter or blog post publication.

Theme: Adventure

This month’s theme is Adventure and is inspired by this Instagram post I shared last week about my relationship to the word “Adventure.” The invitation this month is to explore what “adventure” means to you and to become curious as to how reframing challenges or setbacks as “adventures” can help you better flow with and enjoy life.

The truth is that we get one lifetime full of a myriad of experiences. The reality of this truth is that our processing of whether or not we view those experiences as “good” or “bad” depends on our approach to life. Is life viewed as a challenging experience? Is it view neutrally? Or is it viewed as something to be grateful for? I like to think of the quote, “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.” Perhaps seeing life as happening for you as you go on the adventure of moving through life will help you develop an awe about the way your life is unfolding.

Practices for Reflection

Start by taking five deep breaths to ground yourself. Then, reflect on any or all of the following questions:

  • What does “adventure” mean to you?

  • How can challenges and/or setbacks be seen as pivot points or “plot twist” moments in your adventure?

  • What are the best and worst parts of going on an adventure?

  • How can you invite in more adventure into your life?

  • What was your favorite adventure memory?

Personal Reflection

I love this definition of adventure as “an exciting experience or undertaking that is typically bold, sometimes risky expectations “ ( I want to experience my life as feeling exciting. I want to show up boldly in all the spaces and places. And I want to take risks that defy the limits of my expectations. I’ve got one life and I want to live it. Seeing life as one big adventure and all the happenings and moments within that life as smaller adventures has helped me navigate change with curiosity and openness. Honestly, calling something an “adventure” adds a sense of flair to the experience. I personally can’t help getting a little bit excited about something when I add “adventure” to my description of that something. Take, for example, our upcoming move:

Moving is stressful. Moving is, in fact, the third most stressful experience behind the death of a loved one and a divorce. I actually hate moving and the instability I feel it creates. But, when I tell myself that this move is an adventure, I start to feel excited about the possibility that lies in the unknown of moving. Instead of dreading the change and lamenting the upheaval of my life, I start to focus in on the potential for something incredible to happen. Yes, we are moving and it sucks, but it’s an opportunity to experience something new: new memories, new routines, new experiences that will make me wish we had gone on this moving adventure sooner. That’s just it with an adventure, there’s a lot I don’t know, but I’m no longer scared, worried, or anxious about those things I don’t know. An adventure mindset says, “Let’s go experience the fullness of life!” and I’m here for more of that.

For the library of weekly themes, go here. To receive the weekly newsletter, sign up here.

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