Reflect/Reset April & May 2023

Reflect/Reset April & May 2023

Reflect/Reset is a series on the blog and will be published at the beginning of the month. In this series of blog posts, I will be sharing details about the previous month of training and sharing my training plans for the month ahead. I will reflect on the past month and reset to create space for the experiences that await in the new month.

Reflect: April

April was Marathon Month!! It’s weird to look back and feel like all I can remember from the month was running the London Marathon. Yes, there was a taper in there, a trip to London, and a week of recovery, but I can’t even remember the quality of those runs because London looms so large in my memory. I’ve written and shared a ton about London, so I’ll link those below. I’ll leave it at the most simple of statements: London was an experience that helped me reclaim who I am as a runner and root down in what brings me joy as a runner.

April Stats:

  • 127.3 miles total

  • 31.8 miles average weekly

  • 16 runs total

  • Longest run: 26.2 miles

  • Shortest run: 2.06 miles (shakeout!)

  • Favorite workout: 26.2 miles throughout the city of London.

  • Most memorable moment: Crossing the finish line of the London Marathon, earning my fourth Marathon Majors star.

  • What supported running this month: Tapering and the incredible belief I had in myself and my ability to finish another marathon.

Everything London!

Reset: May

May is all about rest and recovery. For the first time ever, I took two weeks completely off from running after a marathon. I enjoyed the rest, but I will admit that, mentally, I think 7-10 days off would have been a better fit for me. May will be dedicated to getting back into a routine with running by reverse tapering (great post about that here) and giving myself grace as I find that rhythm again. No races or goal for running this month, other than to have fun with this unstructured time.

Next up on the horizon is Marine Corps Marathon in October, so when I tell you I am going to enjoy the rest and lack of structure, believe me that I will be indulging this month!

 Note: You can still support me by making a donation to my #TeamSunshine Rays of Sunshine fundraising campaign here.

Training Update: How Life and Running Come Together

Training Update: How Life and Running Come Together

London Marathon Goal Reflection

London Marathon Goal Reflection