Reflect/Reset November & December

Reflect/Reset November & December

Reflect/Reset is a series on the blog and will be published on the first Friday of the month. In this series of blog posts, I will be sharing details about the previous month of training and sharing my training plans for the month ahead. I will reflect on the past month and reset to create space for the experiences that await in the new month.

Reflect: November

Where the heck is time going? I can’t believe November 2022 is done and that 2023 is right around the corner. This month I focused on #GratitudeMile2022, which was moving my body for at least a mile each day in honor of (1) things that I’m grateful for and/or (2) people that bring up feelings of gratitude. My list is exhaustive, but one thing kept coming up over and over again: how grateful I am for the ability to run. Yes, I grumbled about waking up early to running in the heat (it will always be too hot for me), but each run was met with an “I get to run.” Running is a gift that has been such a constant for me over the past ten years; it is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Amidst the chaos of home, family, and holidays, running is always there waiting for me and inviting me on an adventure of connecting to myself through physical movement. Beyond gratitude, I participated in three local 5Ks that once again captured the magic of the Miami running community. (Race recaps are linked below)

November Stats:

  • 10.7 miles total

  • 27.2 miles average weekly

  • 20 runs total

  • Longest run: 11.10 miles

  • Shortest run: 3.10 miles

  • Favorite workout: Bridge repeats! I’ve incorporated bridge repeats during my long runs and, while they are hard, I feel so strong after running over the Rickenbacker Bridge four times.

  • Most memorable moment: Saturday, November 26th because I got to run with a great group of ladies and we shared superhero muffins after our run.

  • What supported running this month: The usual yoga, strength training, and physical therapy. Also, excitement for the London Marathon is building and I feel like I’ve been transported back to 2014 when I trained for my first marathon.

 Reset: December

 Alright December, bring it on. I’m approaching December as a base building month before London Marathon training officially kicks off in January. Meaning, this month I will focus on how much fun I can have while running and how much JOY I can bring to each run. I’ve done enough marathons to know that training for one is really hard, so one of my goals for London is to work on experiencing as much joy as possible throughout the entire process. The only organized event I have on the calendar is the Palm Beaches Marathon relay on December 11th, but I am remaining open to other fun, holiday-inspired events. Aside from that, running will include many more bridge repeats and hopefully a lot of miles full of big, goofy smiles.

 Note: You can support me on the road to London by donation to my #TeamSunshine Rays of Sunshine fundraising campaign here.

Race Recaps:

Guide to the Abbott World Marathon Majors

Guide to the Abbott World Marathon Majors

December Theme: Joy

December Theme: Joy