The Importance of Patience

The Importance of Patience

Photo from 07.09.22 long run.

You often hear that the most important thing for a runner is consistency. Not only is it the ability to consistently show up to do the work of running, but it is also the running gains (like PRs) that are seen because of consistency in training. Consistency is important and my own experience shows how I’ve become a stronger runner over the years because of my consistency with running and consistency with doing the things that support me as a runner. However, I think consistency is only part of the story. What’s the other part?


Everyone’s favorite, right? The thing that comes easiest to all of us with very little work and awareness, right? RIGHT? So, what is patience and how does this apply to runners? Read on…

I love Oxford Language’s definition of “patience” as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” Let’s break this down in a way that applies to runners and the runner experience:

  1. The capacity to accept: This means the ability to let go of expectation and to embody the “be in the mile you are in” mentality. You accept how you show up for the run and you accept the run for what it is without giving it any greater meaning.

  2. The capacity to tolerate: This means you do the work, practice overcoming challenges on the run, and learn the lessons of a given run without holding on longer than you need to or globalizing the run as a reflection of your overall growth/potential as a runner.

  3. Delay, trouble or suffering: These are things that are inherently part of running. There is no getting around the process of running and there are no shortcuts to getting stronger or reaching your goals. The trouble you may experience may come in the forms of doubt, injuries, and imposter syndrome. The suffering? Well, running is hard and suffering through hot, humid, and tough conditions is part of running and part of what will help you become grittier as runner.

  4. Without getting angry or upset: Here’s the real challenge because it’s not just about accepting and tolerating delay, trouble, or suffering, it’s also about accepting and tolerating those delays, troubles, and sufferings without getting angry or upset at and with yourself. This part of the definition is especially important when training doesn’t go as planned and racing doesn’t go as desired.

As a runner, you need consistency to keep showing up and you need patience to work through the emotional process of being a runner. You need consistency in this sport to see improvement and changes, but you also need patience as those changes settle and take effect in, oftentimes, non-linear ways. With consistent effort, patience is how you navigate the leaps, setbacks, and plateaus with ease. As the theme has been for a while around here, being a runner is about more than just running; it’s about showing up for the run with all you’ve got that day and showing up for yourself knowing that you tried your best.

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